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Notion: The Zero-in-One Business Model
Notion should begin monetizing it’s student users by targeting schools.

Duolingo: Binge-Learning Your Next Language
Duolingo should launch a Netflix Hub within its platform to bolster its lackluster monetization.

Modern Health: From Silicon Valley to the Lecture Hall
Modern Health should capitalize on the post-secondary education market by offering its services to universities and colleges.

Facebook: Oculus for Education
To reach the critical mass needed to effectively roll out a VR social media platform, Oculus should target the post-secondary market.

Pearson: Setting the Standard for Education
To fight its slipping financial condition and address public demands, Pearson should move into the Project-Based Learning space

LinkedIn: Not Just Professional Growth
Offering free Premium memberships to students will allow LinkedIn to build a pipeline of active users and generate revenue from university partnerships

Hootsuite: Swooping Into Education
To reduce dependency on social media giants, Hootsuite should build a nest in the education industry

Medium: A Happy Medium Between Passion and Profits
Medium needs to move into the e-learning space as a passion platform to find a path toward sustainable growth

Disney: Continuing to Bring Characters to Life
Transitioning into STEM educational toys will allow Disney to maintain an on-screen and in-person connection with “Generation Z”
A New Course for Online Education
Coursera needs to offer accredited degrees and original content to become the leader in online higher education.

Interview: Gerard Seijts
IBR talks with Ivey's foremost expert on leadership about organizational change, culture, and the benefits of diversity
IBR sits down with Gerard Seijts, a Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership

Interview: Carol Stephenson
IBR sits down with Carol Stephenson, the Dean of Ivey Business School

Bit-by-bit: Digitizing the Ivory Tower
Examining the potential of online education for Canadian universities