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Blue Apron: Cooking at Home Away from Home
To maintain industry leadership, Blue Apron needs to secure partnerships and diversify into new revenue streams

Medium: A Happy Medium Between Passion and Profits
Medium needs to move into the e-learning space as a passion platform to find a path toward sustainable growth

Uber: From Principled Confrontation to Value Creation
Facing regulatory pressure and competition, Uber needs to establish public-private partnerships with municipalities

Sharks vs Builders: Winning in India’s Distressed Credit Space
With the advent of new opportunities, global credit investors should consider India’s steel secto

Hapag-Lloyd: Getting a Second Wind
Hapag-Lloyd needs to look away from merger and acquisitions and adopt Flettner rotor technology to drive future efficiencies

Disney: Continuing to Bring Characters to Life
Transitioning into STEM educational toys will allow Disney to maintain an on-screen and in-person connection with “Generation Z”

Cortana: Struggling to be Heard
Facing rising competition, Microsoft should capitalize on its strengths in the enterprise space and position Cortana as a business productivity tool

23andMe: Building a Genetically-Sound Company
Despite its entry into traditional pharmaceuticals, 23andMe should use genes to build digital therapies in order to break into the therapeutic industry

DavidsTea: Growing Into Ready-to-Drink
With a harsh retail environment and declining same-store sales, DavidsTea needs to diversify and move into ready-to-drink products

Etsy: Defining The Future Of Wholesale
In the face of slowing growth, Etsy should look to digitize the B2B purchasing experience

AM Resorts: Solar-Energized Vacations
To manage its fastest growing variable cost, AM Resorts should incorporate solar microgrids into their properties

Amazon & Whole Foods: The Everything Store for Everyone
To win the war for retail, Amazon must use Whole Foods to pursue a more aggressive customer acquisition strategy

Shopify: Simplifying the Future of Retail
Shopify has the opportunity to revolutionize its own revenue streams, as well as the retail industry at large

Teva: Don't Be so Generic
In the face of squeezed margins in the generics industry, Teva must diversify revenues into the nascent biosimilar space to remain profitable.

AMD: The Autonomous Drive to Profitability
The changing industry leaves AMD vulnerable; it must reposition itself as a leading provider of chipsets for autonomous vehicles

Lights, Camera, Action: GoPro's First Take on Virtual Reality
In the face of deteriorating demand for its line of camera products, GoPro needs to gain a more defensible market position in virtual reality broadcasting

Shopify: Seducing Service Entrepreneurs
Shopify has an opportunity to improve its customer mix and to develop a new revenue stream by targeting service businesses

Aimia: Loyal To A Fault
By doubling down on the B2B market and focusing on data analytics, Aimia’s Aeroplan program can weather the loss of a major partner, Air Canada

HSBC: Banking on Brexit
HSBC has a unique opportunity to take advantage of the uncertainty Brexit is causing other UK and EU banks

Fitbit: Taking a Step in the Right Direction
With cost-cutting no longer an option to reverse falling profits, Fitbit needs to enter gyms to increase its revenue streams and connect with a more engaged user base